Welcome to our first newsletter for 2023!
The year has been off to a lively start with 6 new Clinical Educators welcomed to our team. All have been busy commencing their orientation to our suite of courses, training implementation processes and the projects underway or due to start. We are excited to have them on board, and they very much look forward to meeting you all in time.
Course redevelopment projects have achieved tremendous milestones. The new QC25 SRAM-ED implementation has been met with incredible enthusiasm from stakeholders across the state. In the realm of supervision, a new introductory eLearning course is almost ready for launch and is looking impressive. Our Formulation courses have also been updated and those changes are now live. Read more below about our various course updates.
Supporting the Better Care Together initiative is a significant focus of our attention at present. Many of our course reviews have shifted to align with the workforce and cultural focus. We are also considering broader amendments to our programs to ensure we continue to support the workforce with appropriate training.
Our Research team have been busy extracting and analysing data for our Annual report. We anticipate this will be ready for distribution by mid March, and will be a very interesting read.
Stay posted for more updates and read on to discover what else has been happening. |
Latest update on SRAM-ED
The NEW QC25 SRAM-ED - Train-the-trainer and the corresponding QC61 SRAM-ED local training were launched late 2022 with great success.
Already over 30 HHS Educators from various locations across the state have been accredited in the new course, enabling them to deliver QC61 SRAM-ED local training to staff in their services. The Learning Centre welcomed all newly accredited trainers to the Teams SRAM-ED Trainer Network Channel to keep in touch and access support for the transition to the new SRAM-ED course.
Reminder: From 1 April, QC50 Foundational and QC51 Advanced SRAM-ED courses will no longer be supported.
If you were previously a SRAM-ED facilitator or are ‘new’ and keen to support your service with suicide prevention skills training in your emergency department, and have not yet attended or enrolled in the new QC25 SRAM-ED Train-the-trainer course, submit your EOI for the train-the-trainer now.
If you have any questions, please contact the State SRAM-ED Coordinator, Dr Lori Leach, via [email protected]. |
New Supervision training on its way!
The new QC60 Introduction to Supervision eLearning build is almost complete and is due for release by the end of March.
With considered linkages to our full suite of supervision courses, this course introduces the role of supervision in supporting ongoing professional wellbeing, skill development and enhanced outcomes for the people who receive services. It is written for all persons involved in supervision, especially those new to supervision, transitioning into a supervisor role, those who have never completed supervision training, and those who have had unhelpful supervision experiences in the past.
Importantly, it is aimed not only at clinical staff in mental health services, but all front-line staff including peer workers.
Through an amazing collaborative effort, a well thought out, easy to use and engaging product has been created. We look forward to sharing announcements when the course is available. Stay posted!
QC8 Supervisee also continues to undergo development. Pilots for the new course commenced in January 2023, with the first deliveries currently planned from late May.
A key aim of the project is to make supervision more accessible, therefore additional elements related to the support of supervision processes are also in planning.
We will share a list of QC8 launch events when the time is right. |
Formulation training update
The Learning Centre's popular QC14 Fundamentals of Assessment, Formulation and Planning (FAFP) course and the online classroom equivalent QC34 FAFP have been undergoing minor review and update.
Content changes have been informed by learner and educator feedback and evaluation, Comprehensive Care resources, and advice on cultural safety.
What does this mean for you as a learner? From January this year, the updated content was tested and now all future deliveries aim to provide you with a smoother learning experience with engaging activities to practice skills in the comprehensive care process. This includes how to ask assessment questions, how to develop formulations, and key approaches to care planning. Realistic examples of assessment, formulation and planning documentation are provided.
Contemporary resources have been included to ensure your learning experience can be extended outside the workshop to your work environment.
View the calendar of events for available sessions. |
Lived Experience Perspectives - share your story!
The Learning Centre values input from people with lived experience.
Lived experience perspectives and experience can be used to inform training content development, our planning and other activities. Sharing your story and your expertise may help others.
The Lived Experience Expression of Interest has been developed so we can invite input to collaborate.
It doesn't matter how much or how little you think you have to offer, your perspective matters! |
Important reminder about online classroom training!
The Learning Centre have a responsibility to ensure that all participants of training not only have a quality experience, but have confidence that skills can be appropriately applied in practice. Our courses often have experiential segments, group or pair activities, and opportunities to practice skills being taught woven throughout the training.
Training delivered via online classroom is no exception.
Please be reminded that our courses are not like seminars or podcast that can be played in the background whilst you undertake another task. They are training experiences that require full and active participation, and quality engagement.
If you are enrolled but unable to participate fully or without disruption and distraction, it is recommend you postpone until a time when you can fully engage. |
Fee-Free TAFE for Lived Experience Workforce
As part of the October 2022-23 Budget, the Australian Government partnered with state and territory governments to establish a 12-month Skills Agreement to deliver Fee-Free TAFE for in-demand skills from January 2023.
Through this Skills Agreement, the Queensland Government will cover the full cost of training in qualifications which are aligned to Australian and Queensland Government priorities. A total of 84 courses are available, including the Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work (limited locations) and Certificate IV in Mental Health. These courses have been identified as invaluable in supporting our lived experience workforce to use their lived or living experience perspective in mental health, alcohol and other drug services.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- permanently live in Queensland
- be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident (includes humanitarian entrant), temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency, or a New Zealand citizen
- be aged 15 years or older, and no longer in school
- not currently be enrolled in a qualification (not including foundation skills training).
Applicants are able to enrol regardless of current employment status or the number of qualifications they have previously completed. For more information about which TAFE locations apply, or to see the full course list available, contact TAFE Queensland on 1300 308 233. |
What's coming next?
In our next edition we are looking forward to announcing:
- New professional development options for Educators in Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Services.
- More important course updates and new course launches.
If you did not receive this newsletter email directly, and wish to be included in our contacts to receive our training event notification emails and other future correspondence, click on the subscribe link at the bottom of this email. |
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning, Ellerton Drive, Wacol Qld 4076 West Moreton Hospital and Health Service, RTO code 40745 ph: 0436 613 469
[email protected] www.qcmhl.qld.edu.auABN: 64 468 984 022