Can you believe it? We're on the verge of the halfway mark for 2024!

Time seems to be flying by faster than ever, but as we reflect on how much ground has been covered, it is no surprise that Semester 1 is almost over.

In this edition of our newsletter, we'll take a moment to share with you our recent achievements, highlighting the wonderful gains that have been made for our education portfolio, and provide a glimpse into what lies ahead.

The semester 2 training schedule has been released, and as always includes a dynamic mix of HHS based, face-to-face training events, and online classroom workshops open for statewide participation.

We look forward to bringing you so much more this year. Please read on below to find out what we've been up to.
Coming soon - On-demand suicide prevention instructional video suite

As beneficial as training is in upskilling our workforce on suicide prevention, the reality is that many people are still at the frontline whilst they are waiting to attend a workshop or they have completed the training but would like to quickly revisit a key approach or technique they have learnt.

To address this need in the workforce, the Learning Centre is developing an on-demand instructional video suite as part of our soon-to-be-released new Suicide Prevention training package. This suite will include five short videos that take people through:
  • Integrated Motivational Volitional (IMV) model of suicide
  • Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE) approach
  • Prevention Oriented Risk Formulation (PORF)
  • Safety Planning
  • Lethal Means Counselling
Each of the videos will teach learners an overview of the models using a scenario of a young person, ‘Charlie’, to help contextualise the learning.

So whether you are new to working with people in suicidal distress or you feel like you need a refresher, our new instructional video suite will be a perfect way to access bite-sized learning as you need... because
 suicide prevention is everybody’s business.

Stay tuned for the release of the full suite of videos, and more news about the new Suicide Prevention training, with updates due in August. If this has piqued your interest, keep your eyes open for annnouncements regarding the course with code QC18!

In the meantime check out this sneak preview and meet Charlie.
writing learning outcomes made easy eLearning screenshot
Strengths training eLearning update

The Team continue to work their way through many routine course updates. One of the most recent developments has been with the workshop QC24 Working with Strengths in Recovery which has been listed as 'unavailable' for some time.

A review of this course was planned in two phases, the first stage of which is now complete. Previously a blended course; the pre-enrolment eLearning module attached to this course has been updated into contemporary software and made available as a stand alone training resource.

Now released as an accessible foundational, eLearning course, visit the module via: This eLearning will remain as an important pre-requisite to the workshop which continues to undergo review and will be re-released at a later stage.

In the meantime, if you want to learn more or refresh on strengths-oriented practice and recovery-oriented values look no further than this eLearning. By developing collaborative, holistic care plans, you can provide hope, resilience and empowerment to an individual's future.
July - November training now available!

After much planning and consultation, the Semester 2 training schedule has been released! Visit the calendar to scroll through all course events and locations, or search for your specific course of interest via the individual course pages.

Don't wait, plan ahead and secure your place in training now!
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QC58 Developing Educator Program continues to grow!

Two new elements have been added to the growing list of resources available on the QC58 Developing Educator Program page.

Activities undertaken during a regular statewide Educators forum have been recorded and  are now new topics available for viewing in the page menu:
  • Supporting safety in training - recorded webinar
  • Using the 3D model to debrief a simulation - segment of a recorded webinar. 
​If you provide Education to other staff, check out this resource!
Supporting effective responses to people experiencing suicidality

The Learning Centre is pleased to be undertaking a review of workforce capability programs, which aim to support the Queensland Health mental health, alcohol and other drug (MHAOD) workforce to respond effectively to people at risk of suicide.

Funded by the MHAOD Branch, with governance from the Suicide in Healthcare Services team and consultation with Insight, the project will undertake a gap analysis of training and education to support the delivery of care by MHAOD workers consistent with the Queensland Suicide Prevention Practice Guideline. The focus will be on identifying appropriate, evidence-based treatment and care for people at risk of suicide, including those with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.

The project will run till June 30 2024, with an expected outcome of recommendations for evidence-based approaches for the development and delivery of workforce capability programs to better support people at risk of suicide.

For more information, please contact the project lead, Catherine (Katie) Hangan.  
A new LMS is coming

When our current LMS was launched in July 2017 we were thrilled by the enhancements it provided and the major achievement it represented for our team at the time. However, as is the way of technology, it has a shelf life and in recent times we have become acutely aware of an approaching expiry date on the software used in that build.

To carry us into the future the Learning Centre is partnering with Insight on the development of a custom built LMS with its debut planned for 2025.

While migration of full learner history is in planning, we cannot account for every possible scenario and therefore recommend that all learners access, download and save their learner records.

We recommend that you visit, login then:
  1. view your My profile tab and ensure ALL your details, including mobile phone number, work location and line manager details are up to date.
  2. next go to the My courses, My bookings tab to view your list of completed courses. 
  3. important: Export your record of learning (Excel download accessible at the bottom of the screen).
  4. If you know you will require Certificates to support your CPD, download and each Certificate you have earned (by course page) and save locally on your personal device/drive for ease of access.
We will provide more updates as this development unfolds.
News for Scholarship applicants - payments increase!

Have you been thinking of applying for a mental health scholarship? This might be the year for you!

To better support the MHAOD Nursing and Allied Health workforce meet the costs of postgraduate education, in 2025 the scholarship will increase from $1000 per unit to, $1250 per unit/subject, with the total reimbursements cap increased from $5000 to $6250 per year. If you have been sitting on the fence and wondering whether to apply, this could be the incentive you are looking for.

The next scholarships application period opens on Monday 23 September 2024 (scholarships for your study planned in 2025). Applications are open for 4 weeks only so mark your calendar.

Please review the comprehensive information on the scholarships website to fully prepare. Includes; how to apply, eligibility, scholarship priority areas, tips and requirements for submitting a quality application.
New resources from Emerging Minds

The Learning Centre have shared access to eLearning courses from the National Centre for Child Mental Health; Emerging Minds for a number of years. In our Search courses index they are listed under the resource code RE07. These free resources are designed to aid in understanding and supporting children's mental health. 

Emerging Minds Families has updated their suite and released a new collection of resources aimed at building the understanding and confidence of parents, family members and other adults to support children's mental health and wellbeing.

Access the updated RE07 Emerging Minds eLearning Child Aware Practice and Child Aware Supervision on our LMS.

Scan this QR code to view the complete collection: 
Emerging Minds QR code
What's coming next?

In our next edition we look forward to announcing:
  • New QC18 Suicide Prevention workshops coming soon
  • Stigma reduction program
  • Certificate IV Mental Health Peer Work.
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Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning, Ellerton Drive, Wacol Qld 4076
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service, RTO code 40745
ph: 0436 613 469
[email protected]

ABN: 64 468 984 022
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