The following are common questions regarding our training and functions of the training system. Click on the icon to expand the topic.
Enrolments can only be completed via the Learning Centre training system at
If you are already enrolled in a training event and need to change your enrolment:
•go to the Learning Centre training system at and log in
•select the My Courses tab
•select the course from the list of events you are enrolled in
•click on Cancel booking
•your booking has been cancelled you can enrol in an alternative training event.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
An initial confirmation email is sent to all enrolled participants approximately 1 week from the delivery date, and then an additional confirmation email is sent 48 hours prior to the delivery date when the enrolment window has closed and all participant names have been collected.
A reminder text message is also sent approximately 24 hours prior to the training day.
Please ensure that you provide up to date details when you enrol and update your profile if your situation changes, so that your learner profile can be maintained accurately and confirmation messages sent to you.
If you're worried that you've missed your confirmation email, check in the junk or trash folder of your emails and accept the Learning Centre as an approved contact.
Upon submitting an enrolment you will receive an automatically generated email acknowledging receipt of enrolment. Your confirmation email will be sent, approximately 2 weeks from the training delivery date.
To check your enrolments and bookings:
• go to the Learning Centre training system at and log in
• select the My Courses tab
• view the courses listed to check if you are enrolled.
If the course has a workshop component the My courses view will not tell you if you are booked into the workshop - only that you enrolled into the course. To check if you are signed up to a workshop session hover over the My Courses tab then choose the My Bookings option that will display. If the course you want to attend is not listed here you have not signed up to a session date. Please return to the course and complete any pre-requisite reading or eLearning and then book into a session under the Workshop item in the course.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
It is a requirement of training providers that they adhere to National laws stipulating standard demographic information is collected from their training participants. Enrolments cannot be finalised without specific fields being completed in full. The collection, storage, use and disclosure of any personal information provided is protected under Privacy and Personal Information Protection Acts.
De-identified statistics can assist in ensuring we meet the needs of our target audience by being informed about demographic groups.
The Learning Centre provide general state wide recommendations on when to attend training based on experience level, and recency of any content updates that align with relevant guidelines, policy or legislation.
In general terms training should be refreshed every two years, however individual services have their own recommendations regarding training selections and annual competencies. Please always refer to your local HHS guidelines and policies to ensure you adhere to local service requirements.
Unfortunately not. Training capacity limits undergo extensive consideration based on the individual program, the content (some of which is highly sensitive) and how the training is delivered (i.e. what is best for safe practice). To ensure program fidelity, to maximise the effective transfer of learning, and to ensure all content can be covered in the allocated time, capacity limits must be adhered to.
Privacy and confidentiality laws do not allow us to provide participant details to other participants. HHS Executive/Managers/Education coordinators however (or managers of other organisations who have arranged for their staff to attend) may request a report of attendees from their organisation where relevant. This requires Learning Centre management approval before it can be released.
Some courses have been adapted from the traditional face-to-face workshop format to online classroom. The following courses are available in two (2) formats:
•QC2 Engage, Assess, Respond to, and Support Suicidal People (EARS) is equivalent to QC32 EARS online classroom
•QC9 Critical Components of Risk Assessment and Management (CCRAM) is equivalent to QC33 CCRAM online classroom
•QC14 Fundamentals of Assessment Formulation and Planning (FAFP) is equivalent to QC34 FAFP online classroom
•QC28 Youth: Engage, Assess, Respond to, and Support Suicidal People (YEARS) is equivalent to QC35 YEARS online classroom
•QC31 Supporting a Suicidal Young Person (SSYP) is equivalent to QC37 SSYP
•10881NAT Course in Observing and Documenting the Mental State Examination (MSE) is equivalent to 10881NAT MSE online classroom.
Other courses such as QC8 Supervisee, QC30 VRAM identify alternate delivery mode in the venue details of the session listing. Look for Online classroom, Multi-site.
Generally if you cannot attend the full day it is recommended that you withdraw your enrolment so that it can be offered to another participant. You are not eligible to receive your certificate (or CPD allocation) if you have not completed the course in full, and it will be to the detriment of your learning and application of skills in practice if you do not receive the full learning package.
In most instances it is a requirement of your role, duty of care and profession to complete the program in full so you can be deemed competent in the area of practice. If you cannot attend the full day please postpone to an alternate time and in the meantime investigate online training options available, e.g. Learning Centre eLearning portal at
The Learning Centre is not responsible for the costs associated with participation in training, including travel or accommodation.
If you are required by your organisation to travel outside of your usual HHS to attend training, it is up to you to negotiate with your service if they can support your attendance.
We provide accessible online deliveries for a selection of courses; look for Online classroom options.
For example, QC8 Supervisee, QC19 Risk Refresher and QC30 VRAM are flexible courses and frequently delivered via Online classroom. Check the venue details of session listings for those identified as Online Classroom, Multi-site.
Other core face-to-face courses have been adapted to online delivery and are listed under a separate course code with Online classroom in their title. Look for 10881NAT MSE Online classroom, QC32 EARS Online classroom, QC33 CCRAM Online classroom, QC34 FAFP Online classroom and QC35 YEARS Online classroom. These courses are delivered in 2 x 4 hour parts (part 1 and part 2) scheduled across consecutive weeks. Both parts are required, in full, to complete each course.
Please check the online calendar for the current list of training events and locations. All confirmed deliveries are listed online in semester blocks and usually released twice per year (e.g. October for the first semester of the following year, April for the second semester). Future dates are listed online only when confirmed and cannot be made available in advance.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
Note: some courses are run privately and not listed online, if you have received an email/marketing about a specific course that you don't see listed on the electronic calendar, follow the instructions in the marketing you have received.
Training requests are received only from the education coordinator as nominated by the HHS Mental Health Executive/Management. The Learning Centre Program Delivery Coordinator consults with the education coordinators at specific times of the year to plan the annual training priorities for the HHS mental health services.
Please follow your local procedure to ensure that your education coordinator (via your Team Leader/Supervisor if necessary) is aware of your training requests so that they can be best informed when making decisions about the collective education needs of your HHS.
The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning is Queensland Health service funded to provide training to Queensland Health staff whose primary role is working with people experiencing mental health problems (or students on placement within a Queensland Health Mental Health Service at the time of the training). This is extended to other Queensland Health staff to support the promotion of recovery focused mental health services and more recently includes Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) staff to provide skills training in risk assessment and management.
To access training without charge learners must hold a valid or email address in their name.
All others, such as other government departments, private organisations and non-government organisations are required to pay a fee to access Learning Centre training.
Refer to the Learning Centre Schedule of fees for more information.
The Learning Centre suite of Supervision courses are intrinsically linked; the content written to align closely with current best practice models and supervision guidelines for Queensland Health Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Services.
Each course builds upon the skills and learning provided in the previous course, with an expectation that these skills are applied in practice to gain valuable experience before progressing to the next course.
The stepped training commences with QC60 Introduction to Supervision eLearning (1.5 hours), followed by QC8 Supervisee workshop (4 hours) and then QC4 Supervisor workshop (2 days). For senior supervisors they may then go on to complete the QC12 Supervising Supervisor workshop (2 days) if required. View the supervision course relationships diagram for more information.
Other supervision training may not provide the core values, learning outcomes or experience to prepare participants for the Learning Centre courses.
However, where appropriate and corresponding workplace experience may have been acquired, participants who have not completed QC8 can attempt a multiple choice knowledge test (automatically triggered when enrolment in a QC4 session is attempted). A minimum score must be achieved to demonstrate requisite knowledge has been acquired. It is highly recommended to complete QC60 eLearning prior to attempting the quiz.
Authorised Doctors and Authorised Mental Health Practitioners are appointed under the conditions as directed by the Mental Health Act 2016 legislation unit. Please refer to the 'Administration of the Mental Health Act 2016' webpage for details of required training, relevant application for completion and process for submission:
The mandatory Mental Health Act 2016 (MHA 2016) training for authorised doctors, psychiatrists and mental health practitioners is available via the Learning Centre's course menu. Under the Courses tab click Find courses. Next type MHA2016 in the search courses bar and click Go to view the options. Select the course relevant to your needs.
For background to the training please follow this link : Learning package for clinicians: Mental Health Act 2016
For any questions related to the Act or administration of the Act refer to you local mental health act delegate or visit this link.
Those wishing to attend the 10120NAT Course in Observing and Documenting a Mental State Examination training must provide a valid unique student identifier (USI) number on their online enrolment form, obtainable from This is a Federal Government requirement since 1 January 2015 for all nationally recognised courses accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
Note: enrolment for this program cannot be confirmed until a USI is provided. Accredited training results cannot be issued to anyone who has not provided a USI.
Generally if you are a Queensland Health Mental Health Clinician you are required to complete the assessment to ensure you demonstrate competency in the area of practice.
If you are not in a clinical role, or it is not relevant to your clinical practice to conduct assessments (e.g. a risk assessment, Mental State Examination, or mental health assessment ) there is no requirement that you complete the assessment, however it is still recommended as a measure of the effectiveness of learning and transfer of skills.
Note: if you do not complete the assessment you are not eligible to receive the Certificate of Achievement (or Statement of Attainment for 10120NAT Course in Administering a Mental State Examination), you can still however receive a Certificate of Attendance to acknowledge CPD hours.
We are not currently offering Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) as part of our curriculum.
Contact MHFA Australia directly for enquiries about MHFA, MHFA Refresher, Youth MHFA and other versions. Visit their website at:
The passwords for the portal are case sensitive. Please check if the 'Num Lock' or 'Caps Lock' is on before trying again. You can reset your password using the 'Lost password' link available on the login or home screen. You will need access to your registered email address to reset your password using this method.
Certificate for eLearning courses completed on our system within the last 2 years are available by logging into the system and accessing the course. As long as all components are complete you should be able to reprint your certificate.
Certificates for face-to-face training completed after 03 July 2017 are also available from the training system.
If you require a certificate or record for face-to-face training completed prior to 03 July 2017 you will need to contact our training team to make your request
Blended learning refers to training that has an online (eLearning) and a face-to-face component. You need to complete both components to obtain a certification.
eLearning is accessed via the Learning Centre training system.
To access eLearning:
• QHEPS for Queensland Health Staff in the workplace: search for Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning, click on the 'Our courses' tab of the header menu bar (orange), or 'Our courses - access and enrol in training' under the Quicklinks heading on the right. Log in to the LMS.
• www: google search for Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning, click on the 'Our courses' option in the left side navigation menu, or 'Our courses - access and enrol in training' under the Quicklinks on the right. Log in to the LMS.
• Direct access:
For new users, self-registration is available at
Follow these simple steps:
1. Create a new account using your work email address as your username.
2. Provide all required details in the user profile fields requested and select 'Create my new account'.
3. You will receive a confirmation email at the email address you have used for registration. Note this must be a work or education institution email address. Private addresses are not accepted by the system.
4. Validate your account by following the prompts on the confirmation email supplied.
5. Once you validate your profile, you can login.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
Note: if you were previously registered on the old Learning Centre eLearning portal (prior to 3 July 2017) your old learner history will be migrated to your new profile, so your records of previously completed eLearning will not be lost.
The Learning Centre training is available to Queensland Government staff who work closely with mental health consumers and to university students undertaking placement within public mental health services. Our training is also available to non-Queensland Health employees working with non-government organisations, private hospitals and other government departments who work closely with mental health consumers.
If you are not working for any of the organisation types listed above, please send an email (including your work or tertiary education email address domain) to the help desk to request access. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
You can, however our system does not recognise private or web based email domains (e.g. Hotmail or gmail etc.) - two options are available:
1. If you are able to access your Queensland Health email from home, you can use this to register as you will be able to access your confirmation email, allowing you access to the training.
2. If you are unable to access your work email, please contact the support desk during business hours (3271 8845) to confirm the account manually. You will then be able to continue with your online training.
Unfortunately we have to limit access to our training to employees of Queensland Health, private and government organisations, and tertiary students, working within the mental health sector. The training portal will accept private hospital, other government organisation and tertiary education email domains/ addresses, and does not automatically recognise private or web based email domains (e.g. Hotmail or gmail etc.). Other non-government organisation domains outside of this list are considered on a case by case basis. If you can't create an account using your work or tertiary education email address, please send a request via email providing us with a rationale of how this training is relevant to your work, your organisation's email domain, and a link to your organisation's website. We will consider your request and if approved, your email domain will be added to the system so that you can access training.
To complete one of the eLearning programs follow these steps:
1. Go to the eLearning login page
2. Enter your username and password on the left hand side of the page and select 'Login'
3. Navigate to the course you would like to complete, click on the course name and select 'enrol'.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
If your notification/confirmation/password email has not arrived in your inbox please check your junk/trash email folder, alternatively close your email application and reopen to allow it to synchronise.
Please also check you have entered the correct email address and it is free of errors. For Queensland Health employees please ensure the you have included the 'dot' between your first and last name in your email e.g. [email protected]
Another reason for not receiving an email is that you do not have an account in the system or you may be trying to access our old management system which was discontinued on 3 July 2017.
If an email is still not received after trying all these options please phone the support desk during business hours.
The passwords for the portal are case sensitive. Please check if the 'Num Lock' or 'Caps Lock' is on before trying again. You can reset your password using the 'Lost password' link available on the login or home screen. You will need access to your registered email address to reset your password using this method.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
A username is not required in the new Learning Centre training system. Your email address and password are all that is required to log in. Contact the support desk during business hours if you have any problems.
Check that you are using the correct email or password.
Also consider if you have re-registered since the updated Learning Centre training system was launched on 3 July 2017. If you were registered previous to this date you are not necessarily still registered system and may need to create a new profile in the system. Go to and follow the prompts.
All information pertaining to our courses is accessible from the Learning Centre training system, including:
• calendar of scheduled face-to-face training events
• enrolling for face-to-face training
• course information
• access to blended learning
• access to eLearning training
• access to download certificate
If you have not registered to create an account for Learning Centre eLearning or face-to-face training after 3 July 2017, go to and follow the prompts to create your account.
You can then navigate to the calendar and enrol in a training event featured by clicking on the 'view course' link and then select enrol.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
Our assessable courses are:
Assessments are completed online. When your attendance at training has been captured in our online training system, you receive a notification that the assessment is ready to complete online. A link is provided which remains active for 28 days only.
Queensland Health staff; please check with your Team Leader or local Education Team for advice relevant to your service/organisation first.
Completion of the assessment is not mandated by the Learning Centre. However, the assessment is designed so you can provide evidence that you acquired knowledge and that you can apply this to clinical practice. Some HHSs, services or programs require that assessments are completed, and in some circumstances a passing grade on the assessment is required.
NGO/Non-Queensland Health staff; you may automatically opt out.
To opt out simply click the ‘opt out’ option when you receive the link to the assessment. Follow these steps:
28 days from the training day the link will close and your record will reflect ‘assessment not submitted’. At this point you can apply for an extension – refer to next FAQ item for extension request details.
Yes, you can request an extension via the Assessment Extension Request (electronic form).
If you attended training facilitated by your local HHS educator, please contact them first.
The following are two commonly occurring problems that prevent progress through the assessment:
If you attended training facilitated by your local HHS educator, please contact them first.
For Learning Centre facilitated training contact [email protected] specifying which course it is for, where you are stuck (include details of the question), and the best way to contact you to discuss.
Go back into your assessment on the LMS and read the feedback provided by the assessor.
In each question that is marked ‘further evidence required’, change your response to address the feedback provided. You might like to check your course materials to help you.
Check every section of your assessment to make sure it’s all done. Once you are satisfied with your responses, click ‘submit’ for your assessment to be re-marked.
Contact the Learning Centre assessors on [email protected] if you need further support.
All certificates for eLearning and face-to face training are now provided via the Learning Centre training system, as a downloadable pdf file.
To access your certificate, all associated components of the training will need to be completed including any pre-training and post-training evaluations.
For blended learning the eLearning modules must be completed and the face-to- face training attended (full attendance required) before your certificate is made available.
If you have completed all the required components and are still unable to access the certificate, try refreshing your browser or log out and log in again.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
Certificate for eLearning courses completed on our system within the last 2 years are available by logging into the system and accessing the course. As long as all components are complete you should be able to reprint your certificate.
Certificates for face-to-face training completed after 3 July 2017 are also available from the training system.
For a step-by-step guide on how to do this in the Training System please refer to the secton: Learning Centre Training System for more information.
If you require a certificate or record for face-to-face training completed prior to 03 July 2017 you will need to contact our training team to make your request.
The Learning Centre cannot issue certificates for courses completed more than two years ago. It is recommended to re-attend training if it has been 2 years or more (1 year in some HHSs - check your local mandatory/requisite requirements) to ensure clinicians are up to date with current best practice, policies, guidelines, legislation and processes.
It is also important to re-attend training if the program has been reviewed and updated to align with current best practice standards and policy.
All frequently asked questions related to the scholarship scheme are answered on the dedicated Mental Health Scholarship Scheme webpages at
Additional clarification can be sought be emailing the scholarships coordinator at [email protected]
Through Better Care Together, additional identified scholarships are being offered for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Queensland Health staff to further develop mental health competencies through postgraduate mental health studies. These identified scholarships are administered through the existing Mental Health Scholarship Scheme, using the same Criteria to apply, Value of scholarship, and MHSS Terms and Conditions.
Scholarship applications are usually open by late September each year, however this may vary. Keep an eye on the MHSS webpage for updates.
Contact [email protected] with your request to be added to the notification list.
Please note the Learning Centre no longer plays any administrative or support role for MHPOD. On July 1 2017 MHPOD launched a new single national portal for all users to access - no restrictions apply. To register visit
If you were registered on the old platform prior to 1 July 2017, you are required to create an account in the new system, the old MHPOD system has been decommissioned.
Note: If you register with the same email address as used in the old MHPOD, you will be recognised and automatically prompted to locate and migrate your learner history.
If you choose to register with a different email address that is ok, you will be provided the option to 'Find my work' to facilitate a search. Follow the prompts to locate and migrate your learner history - time limits apply. Visit for troubleshooting and support options.